
Up and running research projects

Contact the principal investigator for more information about the project, or read about it in the annual yaerbook.
Please click on the blue part of the name to find the info!

SCANGREEN: Turfgrass species and varieties for integrated pest management of Scandinavian putting greens 2023-26

FAIRWAYS4FUTURE: Managing high quality golf course fairways and semi roughs without herbicides and less emission of greenhouse gases

FAIR-WATER I: Towards better drought resistance and reduced water consumption on golf course fairways

CARBON PAR: Estimating carbon status of land used by Icelandic golf courses and measuring carbon sequestration and soil conservation potential of turfgrass on golf fairways and mown roughs

GOLF LANDSCAPES: Biodiversity and multifunctionality of golf landscapes

Practical measures to increase biodiversity on golf courses

Artificial Intelligence powered golf turf maintenance (ADORE)